All the available applications about PHP

Find the best applications made for Windows.


Francisco Fernández

Make me Feel good

Make me Feel good

"Make me Feel Good" is a kind of software that lets users customise windows applications to make them run on the computer. This application comes as a part of the Microsoft suite of products that are very popular on various operating systems. As the name suggests, this software enables the user to put together various configurations of programs in windows. The application lets the user decide how much of the operating system they want to have running at any one time. Users can also have different options for this kind of application on different user profiles. The program works by altering the way windows handles certain programs. While a desktop user would probably not need this kind of application, it can be quite useful to those who are running Windows at home. It is in fact possible to customize windows applications to make them run in a specific way. By taking advantage of this kind of software, users can get software which they can set up with their own settings. This way, it is possible to have a customized layout on the desktop while still having your Windows applications running. This is a great feature for those who would rather not spend money buying customized software. There are many advantages of the software and it has become very popular with many users. One of the advantages of the software is that it enables users to have windows applications look exactly like the ones they use on Windows PCs. A user can run programs that run on Windows based computers by using this application. Other than that, it makes Windows operating systems run more like computers that are used in the real world.


PHP Stats

PHP Stats

PHP stats are a free application that will monitor the performance of your website. It will show you how many visitors you are getting, how many page views are being made on an average every day, what time of day is the traffic most active, and how much overall traffic is being driven to your web site. These stats are great for web developers who need to know this information in order to optimize their website and get the best performance possible from their programming language. If you are developing a PHP based application, then it will show you how well your code is performing and will allow you to make any changes to increase the functionality of your application. If you are using PHP for web development, then it will also provide you with many statistics packages that you can download and install into your system. PHP stats will include all of the tools found in most popular statistical programs such as Mini-Tab but is also open source and can be easily downloaded and used on all PHP enabled websites. To use the software, you first need to download the Windows installer, then either install it using the "Add/Remove Programs" option on your control panel or download the latest version of the software, which can be obtained from the php website. Once you have the software installed, then just type " php stats" in your command line to display the detailed information of your PHP processes. The two commands you need to enter are: PHP_CMD_BASTCMD and PHP_STDIO_BASTCMD. The first command will tell the PHP process to run the PHP stats program, while the second one will tell the PHP process to read the information from STDIN. Once this is done, you can either view the detailed report of your PHP process in the php source code or the graphical user interface if you installed PHP with the "./bin/php" command.

PhpGedView Team



PhpGEdView is an extremely popular genealogical application which enables you to view your genealogical records on your web site. It is similar to other free genealogical applications such as Family Tree Maker, Family Tree Sourcebook etc. However, it comes with an added benefit of being able to run PHP applications on the browser itself. For example, you can download PhpGEdView to a web server and use it like any other web application. In fact, you will have the added benefit of being able to perform all kinds of functions such as running searches, uploading files, editing dates etc on the web itself. There are two primary problems with most free web applications. The first problem is that you may have to wait a while for the software to load and the second problem is that sometimes the software will not correctly open a file and in the event that you try to open the file, you may find that it is corrupted and unable to be opened. These problems are completely eliminated when you download PhpGEdView. Instead of having to wait for several minutes before you can view your files, your free genealogical application will work instantly! You can view any file from any time of the day or night. To take advantage of this amazing feature of PhpGEdView, you simply need to register using your free genealogical software and login to your account by typing in the number of the database you wish to access. When you have completed this step, you will see your files listed as links. You should click on one of these links and then upload the file to your account. The process is complete! There is absolutely no need to pay for a license, sign up or install any software on your system. This truly is the best solution available for anyone looking for a free genealogical application. I highly recommend that you give PhpGEdView a try today.




Anyone who has downloaded a ZZEE PHPExe program knows that there is a certain excitement in using the software. Using it from the internet is not hard, and getting updates to the program can be done relatively easily as well. Unfortunately, downloading and running the software on a PC isn't as easy. If you are someone who owns a computer but does not have an application for download, then you are probably wondering how to download the software from the Internet. The first thing you want to do is try to find where the ZZEE PHPExe application is available for download. You can do this by doing a Google search. You will probably be presented with hundreds of sites that offer this type of application. When you begin downloading a ZZEE PHPExe download, there is a chance that you might get a virus. This is why it is important to download the software from reputable sources. Once you locate the site that you think will give you the application, you will then need to install the software before you can download the application. After you have installed the software, you will then need to log into your account and select a download. There are several options available to you when it comes to selecting a download. A screen shot will automatically appear if you are on the download screen. Once you are on the download screen, you can choose which site you want to download from. It is a good idea to choose a reliable site. Before you download the application, make sure that the operating system you are running on is Windows XP. Windows Vista and Windows 7 users should be able to download the application.



Mambo is an award-winning, full-featured content management system which is used for everything from simple web pages to advanced corporate applications, from large-scale organizations to small community websites. The application has been in constant development since 1995 and is still under active development. The software can be downloaded free of charge, however there is a commercial version available for purchase. Mambo is widely used throughout the free online application world for its simple yet powerful features. Mambo is primarily a content management system, but it does have other uses. It integrates well with web hosting, including cPanel and the much popular godaddy. Mambo has a rich array of add-ons and utilities, including the famous live maguire. If you want to extend or build upon the functionality of the software, you can do so through the use of Mambo's powerful interface system. There is also a free online community where Mambo users come together and discuss different issues, develop software tools, and share ideas and information. To download free software like mambo you will need to download the free software installer which is available from the website. You will need to install the program, either by downloading it directly from the Mambo site, or by installing it using the "Add/Remove Programs" application which is installed on all windows computers. To use your new Mambo 6.x installation you will need to log into your windows server as the root user and then cd into the Mambo 6.x location where you can install all the required components such as the language packs, web browser extensions, database and the like. You may also want to install the "Compact" extension if you are planning to expand your applications in the future.