DibE, formerly known as DIBSE, is an open-access, peer-review journal that publishes original, peer-reviewed, gold OA manuscripts that result from research conducted in civil and the built environments. DIBE was launched in 2020 by four distinguished researchers in civil engineering. The editors of DIBE are the editors of DIBSE: Joanna C. Johnson, James J. Stokes, James E. Riddell, and Joseph L. Smith. It is funded by the Engineering Institute of Canada. DIBE has no editorial board, editorial policy, editorial decisions, and does not publish reviews. DIBE, unlike many similar journals, is not associated with a university or other academic organization. The editors of DIBE were invited to participate by an invitation-only editorial advisory committee. DIBE has two main purposes, both to provide information on the latest trends and developments in scientific research and engineering, and to disseminate such research to a wider audience. The peer-reviewing process of DIBE ensures the quality of its manuscripts and is based on three principal considerations. First, DIBE is published according to the style used by DIBSE and by its peer-reviewers, which are by committee. Second, articles must be relevant to current issues in civil and the built environments research and must have been previously published elsewhere. Finally, articles need to be clearly written in a clear and concise style, and must be clearly referenced. Articles should also be free of errors. Article submissions are to be made using an electronic format. As technological advances continue to be made, many new applications for existing technologies are developed and improved. As DIBE encourages innovative engineering research, it contributes to the ongoing development of practical applications for the civil and built environments. As more people continue to use computers in their daily lives, it is important for society to provide information about them. Because DIBE is an open-access, peer-reviewed journal, it is important to read DIBE if you want to keep up with technological developments. Since most research articles are reviewed by experts who are also experts in their fields, it is likely that you will come across an article that is of interest to you. In addition, if you are an engineer or a civil engineer with experience in a particular area of the civil or the built environment, you may find the articles you read interesting.