Praeter Software
Physics 101 SE
Physics 101 SE Physics 101 SE is a free application software download for Windows that provides students with a powerful, interactive way to learn and study physics. Developed by a team of experts with over 40 years of experience, Physics 101 SE is easy to use and features an extensive library of formulas with explanations for each variable used. Calculates physics equations as you type them, giving you real-time feedback on how your answers will be affected. It also has a built-in unit converter, vectors, electrical circuits and a variety of other features to help you understand the mathematical basis for physics. The course begins with a review of the fundamentals of physics, including Newton's laws, force and momentum, the relationship between force, mass and acceleration, energy and temperature, sound, light, electricity and magnetism, heat, and optical phenomena. Then students explore the physics of materials, energy and weather. Topics include electric and magnetic field in matter, Maxwell's equations and electromagnetic waves, special relativity and its applications to electromagnetism, optics, interference, diffraction and plasma physics. Experiments will be chosen from refraction, diffraction and interference of microwaves, thermal band gap, optical spectra, coherence of light, photoelectric effect, e/m ratio of particles, radioactive decays, and plasma physics. The course covers plasma physics, particularly for confined plasmas with relevance to controlled fusion. The physics of unmagnetized plasma is treated in detail, including thermal equilibrium statistical properties and fluid and Landau theory of electron and ion plasma waves. Kink instabilities, resistive MHD modes (tearing, rippling and pressure-driven), gyrokinetic theory, microinstabilities and anomalous transport are also covered.