Joplin is an open source, web-based to-do and note taking application, which manages thousands of notes organized in several notebooks. The notes can be searched, labeled and even modified both from within the software itself or by your own text editing software. The only thing required is that you have a Joplin account, a computer with internet access and a few tips on how to upload and tag the files and folders. Then you are ready to begin! If you've never heard of Joplin before, don't worry, it's not some strange complicated application - in fact, you can use it with just a mouse or a keyboard if you prefer, and drag-and-drop files between windows. Once you're in a notebook, just select the "My Files" icon on the lower left corner, and your saved files will open in Joplin in a separate window. One of the coolest features of Joplin is its "Tags" system, used to arrange your documents and create a quick and easy to-find system. For example, if you have lots of articles printed from a series of articles directories, just select the "Articles" group in the main menu, and you can tag them easily and quickly, creating a quick reference guide for future use. One of Joplin's great selling points is its ability to let you edit your work directly in the program, without having to download or install any software. You can change the dates, labels, fonts, colors and other visual aspects as often as you want, while synchronizing your data with your online calendar and address book. The latest version of Joplin, Joomla 3.0, is also free and completely free to download, so it's definitely worth trying out the new Joplin before upgrading to the newest version. Joplin can be fully used not only in the workplace but also for making notes and other personal documents, so whether you prefer to work offline or online, Joplin can easily be used in your free time.